tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2012

My dream journey

If I could have a two-week all-expenses-paid holiday, I would go to Lapland. I’ve been there twice in the winter and I enjoyed it very much on both times. I’d probably go there with my family and preferably not during holiday season when it’s really crowded.

We would stay in a cottage, but one which could be compared to a normal house, including electricity. It would be located in a quiet place, near the lake, but there would also be a village near-by so that we wouldn’t be completely isolated. In the village, there’d be many different restaurants since I don’t enjoy cooking that much. The cottage should have a sauna, which could be in a separate building and there’d also be a chance to go ice swimming in the lake.

What comes to the activities, I’d mostly just like to relax, go walking in the woods with my dogs and eat good food. However, there are still a few things I’d like to try. Snow-shoeing would be great, especially if we could have a guide who would plan us a route which we’d then take. Another interesting experience would be to learn how to drive a dog sleigh, or, since we would have kilometers after kilometers of ice spreading in front of us, we might as well rent some snowmobiles. And what could be a better way to end a day spent outdoors than to go to a spa?   

maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2012

Me - a bookworm?

I wasn’t one of those kids who already knew how to read, at least not properly, when they started school. But when I did learn how to read in the first grade, I guess I immediately liked it. I’ve also read books in English from an early age on since I used to be in an English class. Nowadays I think that I read English books at least a bit more than Finnish ones. This could be because I think that when a book is translated, something important is always lost, no matter how good the translation is.

For me reading a book is a way to spend my free time, maybe relax a bit. I don’t think that all books should have a meaningful message for the reader; sometimes a book can just be entertaining. Most of the books I read are of the romantic comedy- or thriller-type, but I’ve read a few which have been really touching and made me think.

Some people seem to think that if you start a book, you should also finish it. My opinion is that it’s a waste of time to read a book you don’t like. The books I’ve left to gather dust on the shelf have been either boring or too hard to understand. I don’t like it if I have to read a sentence multiple times before I get it, it takes all the fun away.

The best books I have read have been John Grogan’s Marley & Me and Cecelia Ahern’s PS. I Love You. Marley & Me is also great on film, but in PS. I Love You the actors who don’t remind the characters of the book at all ruin the whole movie. I definitely think that you should read the book first because then you will get so much more out of the film.