maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2012

Me - a bookworm?

I wasn’t one of those kids who already knew how to read, at least not properly, when they started school. But when I did learn how to read in the first grade, I guess I immediately liked it. I’ve also read books in English from an early age on since I used to be in an English class. Nowadays I think that I read English books at least a bit more than Finnish ones. This could be because I think that when a book is translated, something important is always lost, no matter how good the translation is.

For me reading a book is a way to spend my free time, maybe relax a bit. I don’t think that all books should have a meaningful message for the reader; sometimes a book can just be entertaining. Most of the books I read are of the romantic comedy- or thriller-type, but I’ve read a few which have been really touching and made me think.

Some people seem to think that if you start a book, you should also finish it. My opinion is that it’s a waste of time to read a book you don’t like. The books I’ve left to gather dust on the shelf have been either boring or too hard to understand. I don’t like it if I have to read a sentence multiple times before I get it, it takes all the fun away.

The best books I have read have been John Grogan’s Marley & Me and Cecelia Ahern’s PS. I Love You. Marley & Me is also great on film, but in PS. I Love You the actors who don’t remind the characters of the book at all ruin the whole movie. I definitely think that you should read the book first because then you will get so much more out of the film.     

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